Industry news

In September 2019, an agreement was signed on the construction of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline, which will be an expansion of the European line of the Turkish Stream.
According to the preliminary plan, the length of the main gas pipeline "Balkan Stream" will be around 474 kilometers with 1200 mm diameter.
Bulgaria plans to build infrastructure to receive Turkish Stream gas by the end of 2020. Currently, the first stage of construction has been completed - the metric station "Strandzha" and 11-kilometer gas pipeline that connects the Turkish-Bulgarian border and the Bulgarian gas transportation system has been commissioned into operation.
The customer of the construction, operator and owner of the 474 km long gas pipeline and two gas compressor stations between Turkey and Serbia is the operator of the Bulgarian gas transportation system "Bulgartransgaz".
The "Turkish Stream" project involves the construction of a gas pipeline consisting of two lines with capacity of 15.75 billion cubic meters each. The first line is designed to supply Russian gas to Turkish consumers and the second line is to supply the countries of Southern and South-Eastern Europe.


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